Energy Savvy

Mental and Physical Ailments

Why do we experience Mental and Physical dysfunctions?

The main reason is continuous mental, emotional and physical hyperactivity that over a period of time causes the shrinkage of energy flow in the body resulting in chronic inner organs and gland exhaustion.

All forms of mental and/or physical ailments are unnatural for our bodies, because our universal blueprint contains only perfect health, which derives from balanced mind, body and consciousness.

At birth, we are divinely balanced and healthy, because our energy bio-field is open (free flowing) and our brain activity operates at very low frequencies that promotes greater inner coherence. However, as we grow older, we’re exposed to increased mental, physical, environmental and/or social conditionings, which can take us out of balance, hence mental or physical ailments or both.

As we grow older – our cerebral (brain) activity correspondingly increases in proportion to intensity of outside stimulus initiated by learning, thinking and various emotional experiences. From that point on – our energy field starts to respond to added complexity of newly created thoughts and emotions. The more complex the thoughts – the stronger emotional response, hence the need for greater energy supply to power increased biochemical activity in the body. Our bodies are designed to sustain this type of energy (chemical) surge and can cope with it comfortably, but not for prolonged periods of time. It is for that reason that relaxation is important for recharge and correct restoration of energy flow in the body.

In short, all forms of excessive mental and emotional strains draw energy away from our endocrine system and inner organs and the final result is mental and physical exhaustion.

All emotional spikes, whether they’re positive or negative directly impact upon our energy bio-field. For instance, if we choose to think harmonious thoughts, we will feel positive emotions, as well as being “open” (expansive), which is created by coherent energy flow in our bio-field. As energy is flowing freely, we’re feeling balanced and energised. However, when we get overly excited, the energy flow suddenly surges up and then down and up and down, until its flow narrows down so much that we start to feel exhausted. The same applies in a more direct manner when we dwell in negative emotional states, which directly impact the flow of energy in the body by shrinking its width and intensity. The major difference from positive excitement is that negative excitement forcibly prevents the free flow of information within our endocrine system, due to distorted electromagnetic input. Prolonged dwelling in negative emotions lead to a number of mental and physical ailments, hence the need for rigorous policing of our own emotional states.

In other words – appearance of various mental/physical ailments are initiated by subtle energetic dysfunctions caused by negative thoughts and emotions.

Ability to create calm and coherent inner environment creates immediate positive effect on our energy bio-field and on our mind/body ability to heal. In addition, we must at all times carefully control frequent “emotional spikes”, so not to disrupt initiated healing process.

What are the solutions?

The most simplistic approach is to acknowledge that you have a problem, which you no longer can tolerate and which you wish to heal safely and naturally.

The next step is to learn to release negative energy stored in your body, whilst at the same time  supercharge your body with “clean energy”. The implementation of four pillars of mental and physical health (taught at the very beginning of our programme) will help you in this process. The objective is to open all blocked energy channels in your body, effectively calm your mind/body and become conscious of your “hidden” thoughts and emotions.

In so doing, you will at some point discover “hidden triggers” that have originally initiated your ailment/s and armed with that knowledge you will start the process of recovery. In so doing, you will align all parts of your energy bio-field back into its original (healthy) state with the view to continue with this process for the rest of your life.

In this way you will become fully conscious of your “energy being” and more importantly, you will develop conscious understanding and awareness of key subconscious processes that are important for the maintenance of your health and wellbeing.

Positive thoughts and emotions are hugely important for the vibrant mental and physical health, hence balanced life. All types of ailments including mental health deviations come from dwelling in negative thoughts, emotions and habits.

The solution is to become aware of all “negatives” in your life and then nullify them for the purpose of taking yourself back into perfect “inner balance”, in where you will experience life without attachments.

The ultimate goal is to experience life as it is with all its positive and negative sides without attaching yourself to neither. This is the point of true balance in where you can effectively manage all forms of stresses, setbacks, failures and other forms of negative perceptions. This is the key point, because in life you will always experience negative outcomes, which you cannot control, but you can control your emotional response to them.

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